ICPC an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is an international coding competition for Bachelor and Master students. Participants form a team and train together to solve programming puzzles. If that sounds interesting to you, then you should consider participating in the ICPC. Please email bembel-coding@dlist.server.uni-frankfurt.de to be invited to a Discord-Server where we coordinate our activities.


Bembel-Coding is a series of events and activities at the Goethe-University Frankfurt, geared towards fostering the fun of programming. On November 10, 2023, we hosted the Will Code for Drinks (WCFD) event with about 70 participants, and in December 2023, we advertise the Advent of Code. Bembel-Coding is currently organized by Prof. Dr. Holger Dell.