Seminar: Current Topics in Theoretical Computer Science / DAIS



This seminar is intended for Bachelor and Master students who are excited about theoretical computer science, including algorithms and complexity. You will learn about and present on brand-new research in the area. Moreover, you will actually get to meet international researchers in person! This is because attending all sessions of the research colloquium Discrete Algorithm Insights Seminar (DAIS) is an integral part of this seminar.

Course Staff


Mandatory activities


For the long talk, you should talk about a paper that was presented at a recent top conference in theoretical computer science, such as HALG 2024, STOC 2024, FOCS 2023, SODA 2024, or ICALP 2024. For the short talk, you can choose the same paper, a different paper, or a suitable section from a textbook in theoretical computer science (for example, consider the books Algorithms, Computational Complexity, or Parameterized Algorithms). Please send us your topic choices as soon as possible, we must approve them. If you do not send us your choices before October 31st, we will assume that you are not participating in the seminar.


Note: The grading scheme is preliminary and subject to change!

Your final course grade is calculated as follows.

grademinimum required performance
sehr gut
  • attend all sessions
  • satisfactory performance in your short and long talk
  • exemplary slides and report for the long talk
  • attend all sessions
  • satisfactory performance in your short and long talk
  • exemplary slides and satisfactory report for the long talk or satisfactory slides and exemplary report for the long talk
  • attend all sessions
  • satisfactory performance in your short and long talk
  • satisfactory slides and report for the long talk
  • attend all sessions
  • satisfactory performance in your short and long talk
  • satisfactory slides for the long talk